MISTER ELAD’S THANK [English Version]

The Holy Scriptures in the book of Proverbs 1:8 says:

Hear my son, your father’s instruction

This is what MISTER ELAD is trying to  highlight and transmit to us in his 1st album.

PIKIN 4 HEADMASTER is a tribute to 2 people who have marked his life and his career : HIS FATHER and the famous artist LAPIRO DE MBANGA aka NJINGA MAN (which he borrowed the title of the famous song MIMBA WI)

We invite you to sit on the benches of the school (but life this time) and listen attentively to the teacher of the day.


MIster Elad
PIKIN 4 HEADMASTER © Mister Elad Facebook

Available on every legals platforms of download and streaming since the 09th of april 2021, PIKIN 4 HEADMASTER is a lesson of wisdom in music.

This album of 09 tracks has for main theme THE VANITY OF LIFE ; joined by sus-theme such as :

  • Encouragement, perseverance (Born to win, Pours)
  • Humility (Fade, Tomorrow, Passengers)
  • Jealousy (Comot for road)
  • Mutual aid, solidarity (Neighbour helep Neighbour)
  • Fraternal love (Salute)


MISTER ELAD ©️ Facebook Mister Elad

Beyond to advising us on life in general, MISTER ELAD also challenges our government authorities in the face of no change in country’s socio-economic situation, the precarious statut of young people and the continuity of security crisis in the NOSO (North-West and South-West), FAR NORTH and EAST of Cameroon (Mimba We)

As his model LAPIRO DE MBANGA, Mr MELODY is a committed artist. He is an awakener of conscience, an educator who asks everyone to assume its responsabilities.

LAPIRO DE MBANGA ©️ aulecth.com


Titres de l’album ©️ Facebook Mister Elad

These tips have made him the man he is today. In order to say him THANK YOU, and because they also have value in his eyes, MISTER ELAD has decided to share them with us. Here are some of them:

  1. «As you see this life so, no food for the lazy ; you’ve gotta do it on your own.» (Born to win)
  2. «No leave your shoulder pass your head.» (Fade)
  3. «Mr Big Man, money fine but you will not burry yourself.» (Neighbour helep Neighbour)
  4. «Live a life of love, no be life for the money ; live a life of love, no be life for the gold.» (Passengers)
  5. «Today your own, tomorrow another man.» (Pours)
  6. «No treat another man bad, whatever you do today, you go meet it tomorrow. No treat another man bad, the people you meet on your way up, you go meet them on your way down.» (Tomorrow)
  7. «A down fall of a man is not the end of his life, the fear of the LORD na for day wé sense di start.» (Comot for road)
  8. «One hand no di tide a bundle.» (Salute)


My feeling about MISTER ELAD album
My feeling ©️ psychoplume – papote.fr

I was immediately seduced and transported by this album as i listened to it. He touched my soul because as MISTER ELAD, for me an artist is an EDUCATOR.

Because of its statuts, its success, it is a model, a reference point for youth. Many of them identify themselves through him. Therefore, it is his responsability to instill in them values that will enable them to be worthy men and women.

This album is not meant to escape from the realities of life (the visual shows it clearly). It’s a compass that allows everyone to orient themselves in order where he/she wants to go.

It is this wise person who give us advices when we are disoriented, we are losing reference points.

It is also that person who is angry at injustices of the society and who expresses it.

For anyone in love with GOOD MUSIC, i recommend you to buy this album, listen o it and keep it jealously. It won’t leave you indifferent.

You can watch his interview in Mon Orgasme Auditif where he’s talking about his album in details.

Let The African Vibration Rain On You.


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